Growing up as kids there where times we were scolded and our misdeeds where frowned at by our parents and teachers. We always felt bad each time we were rebuked. If you'll agree with me, those scolding actually helped to shape our characters for good today. We owe our parents and teachers gratitude for correcting our mistakes and misdeeds. 

As an adult, people will always express their opinions about you whether they be good or bad, It's the society we find ourselves. You will also be criticized for a good deed and for a bad one, the later is usually the one that experiences most criticism. Honestly, It can be offensive and annoying when criticized, no one enjoys being criticized all the time. But you can either learn to accept criticism or you keep sulking in it every time you're criticized. 

Wise people will always take advantages of constructive criticism to grow. They have used their critics opinion to constantly measure their performance level, and act accordingly in areas they needed to measure up. Your ability to endure criticism without resentment is a poof that you're heading to the top. Although alot of people prefer to be ruined with praises than to be told the truth. When two or more persons talk to you about a behaviour or attitude you put up, please do good to your self by working on it. If you keep taking offense when criticized it shows that you're not teachable.

Taking Adavantage of criticism
1. When criticized pay attention to the contents or opinions of the critics, you can learn and adjust in areas where you're not measuring up.
2. Accept it as a part of life. Even Jesus christ was criticized, so nobody will ever be above criticism.

As we start up a new week, lets try to accept constructive criticism and work on areas we are not measuring up. Do have a beautiful week friends.


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