To maintain a healthy body, you should be knowledgeable about living a healthy lifestyle. Some lifestyle's are detremental to our health. They cause harm to our body systems, thus lowering our immune system, and making our  body susceptible to sicknesses and diseases. How we live, what we eat, how we respond to things, the company we keep. All these have a way of improving or affecting our well being  negatively.

Wellness is not just the absence of sicknesses.  it is also a state of physical, social and mental wellbeing. You have to be physically fit, mentally fit and socially fit to achieve wellness.

1. Physically fit: This entails doing what makes you physically healthy. What you eat and when you eat will always affect your physical wellbeing.

*What  you eat and when you eat.
You can't eat carbohydrates all the time and  expect not to gain weight. Especially when you do not excercise your body. Excess carbohydrates is usually stored as fat in the body. And too much body fat causes obessity, weight gain and  heart diseases. Ensure to eat foods that contain different nutrients, at the right quantity. Fruits and vegetables a essential for the body. Invest more in grocery.

*When to eat.
Avoid eating late before going to bed. Ensure to eat atleast four hours before going to bed, so as to enable digestion before going to bed.

Exercising the body has a long term benefit. excercising the body will improve your health, prevent cardiovascular(heart) diseases and increase body fitness, to enable you carry out your daily activities without getting tired easily. You can create time for yourself to jogg, run or join an aerobics club. It is adviceable to walk atleast 30 minutes everyday. This will not only make you fit, it clears your mind and also prevent weight gain.

2. Mental wellbeing: mental wellbeing is also a component of wellness. It doesnt necessarily mean the absence of mental health issues. It is maintaining a healthy mindset and a positive thought all the time. It also involves the ability ability to learn, feel, express and manage a wide range of  emotions. Your ability to maintain a good relationship with others is also an indication of a good mental health.

Signs of mental health issues.
1. Anxiety: Always worried for what may happen or what may not happen.
2. Depression and unhappiness
3. Sleeping problems
4. Drug and alcohol abuse
5. Emotional outburst

How to improve mental wellness.
1. Seek help from  mental health experts.
2. Reduce the time you spend on social media. So many people get depressed by what they see and read on social media's. The flambouyant lifetyle's of most social media users may not even be real. Spend more of your free time reading books. Engage your mind with creative activities.
3. Learn to tolerate people more. The one's you cannot tolerate their excesses, please avoid them for your sanity.

3. Social wellness: This refers to how we socialize, interact and maintain a healthy relationship with  others. Social wellness involves forming and maintaining relationships. Healthy relationships would act as support and morale boosters in times of difficulties.

Signs of social distress
1. Anxiety
2. To be physically abusive or being in a physically abusive relationship.
3. withdrawal and isolation from others.
4. Exhibiting manipulative tendencies.

How to achieve social wellness
1. Create and maintain relationship with people who are positive, respectful and supportive.
2. Love and care for yourself. Extend the love and care to others around you.

Your health is your greatest asset. You're responsible to a large extent for any thing that happens  to you.


  1. Really cool, learnt some things I don't even know about...

    1. I'm really glad you found the article informative enough. Thanks alot for finding time to read it. Always log on through the link, there is always something to read everyweek.


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