Contentment is relative to some people. There are certain needs or desires that i have achieved that i can be contented. Some one else may require lots of achievents to be satisfied. contentment doesnt necessarily means fulfillment, but to a great extent you can be contented and still feel fulfilled. Contentment means satisfaction with what you have at any given time. It can still mean, living within your means. Contentment doesnt mean mediocrity as some people may think. You can be contented with what you have, where you work and what you have achieved thus far and still strive to achieve more, but not with desperation. In our societies today, alot of people are not satisfied with the little they have, hence the resort to crime, engage in activities that may endanger their health. Pros of contentment 1. You are at peace with yourself and everyone around you. You're not under any form of pressure to impress anybody. 2. You believe you can achieve more as long as you work int...
To maintain a healthy body, you should be knowledgeable about living a healthy lifestyle. Some lifestyle's are detremental to our health. They cause harm to our body systems, thus lowering our immune system, and making our body susceptible to sicknesses and diseases. How we live, what we eat, how we respond to things, the company we keep. All these have a way of improving or affecting our well being negatively. Wellness is not just the absence of sicknesses. it is also a state of physical, social and mental wellbeing. You have to be physically fit, mentally fit and socially fit to achieve wellness. 1. Physically fit: This entails doing what makes you physically healthy. What you eat and when you eat will always affect your physical wellbeing. *What you eat and when you eat. You can't eat carbohydrates all the time and expect not to gain weight. Especially when you do not excercise your body. Excess carbohydrates is usually stored as fat in the bo...
This novel captures the chaos and brutality of Nigeria in the 1990s under the rule of military. The story follows Lomba, a visionary, a political student in the capital city of Lagos, he tried writing a novel for three years but couldn't finish because he had a lot to write about and couldn't conclude. If he had finished, no one would have agreed to publish it for him due to the problem in the country at that time and the content of the novel. No one wanted to get into any kind of problem with the military.He once lived in a street called Morgan street or better known as Poverty Street, to live in that street is likened to living in a mad house. He also covered arts and a little politics for a city newspaper, the Dial . Soon, Lomba's work place is attacked by soldiers and was burnt down while he was returning with his boss Mr James from Badagry. Journalists are arrested all over the city. Lomba decides to take part in a pro-democracy demonstration. There, he is a...
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