What is a Role Model? A positive Role Model

So, on my way to the office today, i was having a conversation with the driver about ROLE MODELLING and what i heard this morning from this young guy was and is still heart-breaking. A lot of young people do no longer care about VALUES and building gradually to be a better human and in extension affect their surrounding positively. Well, after the encounter, i had to do a little research to be sure i understand who a role model should be and i have decided to share my findings.

Here we go,

Firstly, i'd like to give a definition of who a role model is or attributes likened to a role model.

A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people. Thee term ''Role Model'' is credited to sociologist Robert k. Merton, who coined the phrase during his career.

A positive role model serves as an example-inspiring people to live meaningful lives. A role shows shows you how to live with integrity, optimism,how to carry yourself, determination and so on. And all these play a huge role in personal development.

There are a few qualities you should look out for while choosing a role model

  • A role model shows passion and ability to inspire
  • A role model shows a clear set of values
  • A role model shows commitment to community
  • A role model shows selflessness and acceptance of others
  • A role model shows ability to overcome obstacles
  • A role model conducts his/herself well at all times
  • A role model is a drama king or a drama queen
  • finally, a role model is a human being and can make mistakes
Please, ask yourself a sincere question right now, and the question is Who do i admire and what have i been able to learn from this person?. Am i a better human or worst than who i used to be?

Remember you are not comparing or competing with anyone. The only person you are allowed to compete or compare yourself with is YOU.

You too can be a ROLE MODEL


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