To make your day count, You have got to master the skill of FOCUS

Many a time, we wake up in the morning so ready to conquer  the day and make the day count. But what happens at the end of the day? Some times we feel like we didn't achieve anything due to the fact that we can't place our hands at just one thing we were able to achieve. Yes, we had good intentions and started our day so determined to slay some tasks or goals but we lost focus along the way.

As a young adult, you have a lot on your plate. Staying focused can be very hard at this stage in your life. A lot of things demanding your attention. Dear, amid all these noise, understanding your brain limitation and working around them can keep you focused and increase your productivity.

Our brains are easily distracted, especially nowadays were our environment is filled with all manner of distraction. From social media, to '' up to no good friends'', toxic relationships and so on, all these make it so hard to focus. Also, we are familiar with the trend,''multi-tasking'' and it is like the ''in'' thing; yes it is a good thing to multi-task but many a time we get so much distracted with a lot going on around us that we end up not achieving anything at the end of the day.

Therefore, in other not to waste the whole day, month, year, doing a lot but not doing anything in particular, you might need to concentrate first on doing creative work first. Set those goals and work towards them one after the other. Don't go trying to do all of your goals once. Try managing your time effectively by allotting time to every task you set your mind to achieving. Train your mind just the way you train your body to remain fit. Guard your mind, redirect it to focus when it starts to wander. You MUST eliminate every kind of distraction, no pity here please. Plan your day every morning and please take a break when needed, it is refreshing .



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