The book..Ready, Set....Grow!!

Chapter 11Grand Design (Daring to Dream)

Yea, i know i have been mute for a couple of days.I have been dealing with some personal issues that was almost drowning me and i needed some alone time from everything to find me.I'm back and stronger and the personal growth continues.Many a time we feel like giving up due to the so much noise around us, but giving up would't solve any problem,it will rather compound the issues caused by the noise.Always take a time off, it does help to refocus.

Now, this chapter is very motivating and daring. It is a most read for those who think it is too late to dream, those who can't seem to dream, those who are afraid to dream, those who no longer remember their dreams and so on.I'd start off by asking some of the questions asked by the author of this book...........
  1. If you could do anything, and you knew you could not fail, what would you try?
  2. Do you remember your dreams?
We aren't used to thinking like this , yea?
Some of us had a dream. Some have forgotten their dream(s).Some say no one encouraged them to dream. All the above mentioned shows that we settled for what came by and have handled well what was passed to us and perhaps did not think or understand that we could reach for something more or different.

Other people would say, they have put their dreams on hold, waiting for the right time or conditions - What right time are you talking about? when exactly? There is no perfect time, the perfect time actually is NOW.

Ah, how about those of us who are too busy to dream?We have litany of excuses why we are not dreaming or how we lost our dreams but the good news is that it is never late to dream.

Where there is no vision, people will indeed perish.My dear,you have dreams and if you can't remember them, look inwardly and i promise you, you'd find or remember your dreams. Follow your dream and you will change you and change the world. You can do it.

Implement your dream(s) NOW, TODAY.


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