The book -Ready, Set........Grow Review

Chapter 15

This chapter talks about hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something.According to the book looking through the other eyes is often a breakthrough strategy. Being positive is a virtue that a lot of people do not have.Unfortunately negativity appears to be automatic or more neutral.

 If you want to change the way you feel, you must change the way you think. Events of life don,t define you, they reveal you. We are in-charge of how we respond to the event of life.We may not control what happens, but we must always control how we respond to what happens.
How we frame or interpret an event will always determine our response to it.

You can begin looking at life through the eyes of an optimist. When you change the frame, you change the response and when you change the response, you change the outcome.

Optimism is a skill, Learn it...!!


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