Review - The book, Ready, Set....Grow !!!

Chapter 21
Pulling Complacency 

Complacency is the decision to take the path of least resistance. And it presents neglect and neglect equals decline.
 Can you see how they are connected?

Every human/goals needs attention and care. Who or what are you taking for granted? The people or things we take for granted disappear. It is very horrible to think of the things we treasure disappearing from our lives.

we take for granted the things that are working for or appear to be. These are the things and the people in our lives who do not scream for our attention. We may even take for granted our skill set and knowledge ( Juliet, this was you, ''wink'') .
Complacency creates a vacuum and what fills the vacuum is dangerous. Complacency requires compromise.

Well, the good news is that you can have and keep what you value if you take care of it and focus on it. Hold on to this values tightly. Let your time, your goals and your priorities reflect what you treasure the most. Ensure that your boundaries protect them. Whenever you feel like giving up tell yourself that complacency isn't allowed here.

Pulling up complacency protects the work you have done up to this point.  Gardens, even beautiful ones , needs attention. The most beautiful gardens are the most cared for.

Friends, we are doing all the beautiful work to improve ourselves, protect your hard work by weeding out complacency and compromise.

On the move, we are. Leggo 😁😁


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