Ready, Set.....Grow !! - The book

Chapter 12
Making it Real (Setting and achieving goals)

Before reviewing today's chapter, going forward, i would be reviewing two chapters in a day to able me share other books i'm reading.

There are many people who long to do more with their lives. They have the vision, but they do not know how or where to begin. Too often the dream has been placed on a shelf like a memorabilia of the heart. It is very pretty to look at but we are not quite sure what to do with it. If that sounds like you, i encourage you to get this book and read this chapter thoroughly because i will just be doing a review and that won't be enough.

Someone once said that successful people have their goals written down and they review them everyday - so maybe you need to write yours down too and revisit them everyday. The moment you put your goals in writing you engage the reticular activating system in your brain. Oh, what happens afterwards is that your brain is on high alert, looking for and searching out the people, opportunities and information to achieve the goals. There is an adage that says '' when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.'' When you write down your goals, you're getting ready - you're planting seeds of opportunity and success.

There are levels of goals one should set in life according to the author of this book: 
  1. Set short term goals for up to one year.
  2. Reach out 3-5 years with mid-term goals.
  3. Extend your reach even further with long-term goals spanning ten years or more.
Each level moves you closer to the vision - the story you are writing with your life. These goals will grow into a breathtakingly beautiful garden, one that you will look upon with great expectancy with each passing season of your life.

Make your goals very specific. Bring them into focus, and create a clear picture of the end result. Seeing the end results in detail is essential. If you cannot see that picture in your mind's eye, you cannot get there. You must be able to picture the finish line and imagine yourself crossing it. 

If you have a big goal and it is difficult for you to imagine yourself in that future place, you may need to break it up into smaller pieces- pieces you can imagine.

The smaller successes will propel you into greater accomplishments over time.


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