The book - READY, SET...GROW

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Like i promised Three (3) days ago that i'd be reviewing each chapter as i read. Before i start, i'm encouraging those who can afford to buy this book to try and get a copy(ies). You need to read it to rediscover yourself, your passion and purpose.

Okay, straight to my review. If you are learning to be helpless, my dear you're learning to be hopeless and it is a bad thing to do. According to the author, ''our society encourages people to think and behave like victims''. And its the worst thing you can do to yourself. When you develop the habit of feeling entitled and credit for low accountability, you actually teach yourself and the people who admire you that it is the way forward. 
People who act this way do not accept any kind of responsibility.

  1. They have bad attitude(s), they blame it on others.
  2. Bad behavior, it's another person's fault.
  3. Wrong decision(s), oh, he /she made me do it.
Nothing is ever your fault. You're just a human being but other people are responsible for everything concerning you. Perhaps you have noticed that somewhere along the line it's actually very fashionable and trendsetting to be a victim.
Own your life and quit acting the victim, it is toxic and will poison your mind, your relationships, your hope and your results.
Work on things you have control over. Work on you, you're doing it for you not for anyone.
Don't allow this attitude to leech into the soil of your life.
i am also working on me. 
Let's be better .....!!!!

Stay positive.!!!


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