The BOOK - Ready, Set ....Grow!!!

Chapter Seven

Bouquet of THORNS

Removing the offences that poison.

There is a saying that ''Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. The offences we carry are deadly toxins and they are heavy. 
-Dondi Scumaci.

These are the things people may have done or not , said or never said to us. They are the betrayal, broken trusts, and slights. Many a time people hurt us on purpose and other times not a deliberate act, and due to the above mentioned, we hurt deeply and the hurt becomes so heavy to carry. And at this point we just need to forgive and save our-self from this bitterness. It is very important to forgive.

Forgiving is a decision- a choice. It means choosing to forgive when your have been hurt. My dear, be careful what you give your strength to. There are many situations or actions that are not worthy of our time , reaction or strength. Your strength should be for those things that would help you be a better human.
It is true some wound cut deeper than the others and these are the hurt/ wound that are personal and unfair. And when we feel this kind of pain, we have a wound that can be healed only by forgiving the one who wounded us.

In my opinion, forgiveness to me is what we do for our-self not the offender. I forgive because i want to heal and until i do, the wound will impact my life and that is just too much for me. Forgiveness unlocks more than a door. When i forgive, i let go of my need for revenge. I release myself from emotional prison.

Forgiveness is something we control.



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