The book -Ready, Set... Grow!.

Chapter Two


After reading chapter two of this wonderful book by Dondi Sccumaci, it opened  my eyes and thoughts to the need to unlearn and rewrite the wrong lessons learnt  from life events of the past.

 According to Dondi, ''when when we learn the wrong lesson from experience, we teach it to others''. We pass along a dysfunctional legacy. I couldn't agree less. For this reason, we have a lot of bitter people everywhere.

I want  you to know that an event or experience doesn't have the power to shape our expectations. It is the way we interpret and summarize  the experience or event that does that. How do you tell your story? What have you decided to remember or take from it? it is what we replay in our brain that craves the memory into our minds.

Don't take away from any event or experience the wrong lessons, because it won't do you any good. Rather the wrong lessons demoralizes you and steals your confidence and to sum it up, it  leaves you bitter and toxic. No one wants to be around a toxic person. You just end up attracting toxic people and trust me, it is not healthy.

My take away from this chapter are ,

(1.)  that  it is quite possible to learn the wrong lesson from our experiences and when this happens it limits and constrains our future.
(2). When we decide to take the right lessons from any bad experience, it adds something to us. The right lessons would always challenge,ignite and motivate us. 
(3).Our results won't reflect what is possible until we learn the right lessons.

Well, well, i hope i made a little sense. Buy the book, read to understand more. You really need to move from that bitter space and start living.


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