The book- Ready, Set... Grow!

So, yesterday i promised that i'd be reviewing each chapter of the above mentioned book written by Dondi Scumaci. It is a great book. It is packed with so much wisdom and Knowledge.
So, i'm glad to share....
The first chapter is titled ROOT BOUND......
It's about those beliefs that limit you from becoming better. We all know that Root-Bound plants run out of room to grow because they only have a limited room, freedom or space. This exactly is what happens to us as humans. What we believe about ourselves, others, our future or events of the past , shapes our thoughts and growth, thereby influencing our results and future. It is very easy for the root of belief to become twisted and tangled and when they do everything about us suffer including our relationships...
If we must grow to become better humans, we must unlearn to learn to break those self-limiting beliefs of ours. If what we believe about ourselves and future are bound in a negative belief or cage, then we can't stretch and growth, we will remain root-bound or slaves to those beliefs.   If we really want to grow, we need to unbind ourselves and she gave a four step process towards achieving freedom.
1. Identify the beliefs that limit you: you can do this by making a list of those beliefs that empower you against the beliefs that limit you. When you take this first step, you are ready  to find the beliefs that drive your life and shape your future.
2.Try to understand how those beliefs are influencing your growth and relationships: Understanding this would motivate you to make necessary changes which are expected to be positive ones. Positive beliefs empowers you. What you believe becomes your truth. What you believe determines how you go about things.
3. Exchange self-limiting beliefs for the empowering ones: Do you believe the future has amazing things for you or are you frightened about what the future would bring? Check your self-limiting beliefs and update your empowering beliefs.
4.Identify beliefs you want to add to yourself: these are possibilities you may have not considered before now.
In summary, begin by listening to what you say to yourself. These thoughts and statements reflect what you believe about yourself, who you are and what you are capable of.
GOOD LUCK....!!!


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