These steps will help you pull the root of bitterness and resentment from your life...!!

  • Count the cost : What is bitterness costing you? How is it impacting the quality of your life? How is it affecting your future? When you take time to count the cost, you will find yourself ready to drop the bag of bitterness.
  • Acknowledge what you have lost : Acknowledging our pain is part of healing. Allow yourself to grieve.
  • Confront the offence : It's the offence you confront not the offender.
  • Own your piece of the action: What was your contribution to the situation? It's not about blaming yourself; it is taking your power back.
  • Decide to forgive : Let it go, even as you do this, it could still be hurting. Do not hold on to bitterness.
  • Plug into the right resource : This is not the time to surround yourself with people who will identify with your pain and support your right to keep it.  Connect with people who will help you release the hurt and move through the process.
  • Pray : This is the kind of prayer that moves the heart of God.
- Dondi Scumaci.


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