Once you are calm express your anger

Keeping your temper in check can be very challenging. Think before your speak. In the heat of the moment, its so easy to say something you will later regret.

So, about five minutes ago, a colleague annoyed the heck outta me. This guy is always in the habit of pissing me off. Those things i can't stand, he would want to do. The most annoying part is,  we do not share the same space- office, but he sees nothing wrong in coming over to my office, stand by my head and crack unnecessary jokes. So it happened that a few minutes ago, he left the office kitchen, left his office and settled by my head to eat one of the food's i just can't stand for a second (sardine&salad).
I said please leave , but he wouldn't listen. I repeated myself the second time and this colleague of mine wouldn't just move. So, hen I shouted at him to get outta my site, he became offended. Why? because i used a harsh tone on him. I still, won't have him stay in my space, i ordered him out. I said some hurtful things to him😁though that  i shouldn't have.
After about ten minutes, i went back to him to say sorry for using some hurtful words and i also ceased  the opportunity to tell him to stop entering my office if he has no official or better things to say.
So, we have made up but, we didn't kiss, lol. 

I learnt a few today from this scenario  and i'd like to share;

1. First to think before i speak when in the heat of a moment. To use a few minutes to collect my thoughts before saying anything.
2. Once you're calm, express your anger. As soon as you start thinking clearly, please express your frustration in a confident way but non brawly way. State your frustration clearly and directly. 

Like i said earlier, we have made up and i'm at peace with myself.


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