6 ways to isolate feelings of rejection.

  1. Use a personal journal: It is one of the best ways to get in touch with yourself and your feelings. It takes discipline to keep one but if you stick to it, it will surprise you of what you'd learn about yourself. Over time you'd notice trends in how you feel in the events that trigger those feelings.
  2. Pull it up by the root: when you find out where the rejection was planted you must pull it by the root.
  3. Pay attention to your feelings: to both what you feel and why you feel that way.
  4. Accept responsibility: accept your mistakes, learn from them and let it go.
  5. Find a confidante: confide in someone you can trust, someone who will tell you the truth and will not judge you. Please be careful who you confide in so you don't compound your problems.
  6. Always remember it is not about you: when people are negative, critical or judgmental towards you, they are revealing themselves. My dear, repeat it over and over again till you believe it; its not about you, it's about them.

And please replace rejection with acceptance and affirmation. 

Learn the power of blessing and affirmation...



  1. At some point in life, we all face rejection. But what makes us come up strong or tough is how we manage it.

    Being rejected by someone doesnt mean you arent good enough. It simply means that they didnt see what they desire in you. Off cause you cannot be everyones desire. You're unique in your own way. If they dont see it that way others would.

    Get a grip of yourself and move on. Life goes on, no one is better than the other. Its always a matter of choice and want.

    1. I agree with you Ikechukwu. There is more to life. rejection shouldn't stop anyone from living happy.


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