Setting growth goals.

Waking up today, i became so emotional about everything. Especially about my life, so many questions - some i had answers to and some i do not have any clue on how to handle or go about them and that got me emotional. As if that wasn't enough, i went visiting the social media, twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the rest. You know what happens when you go there? A lot of noise, a lot of people living life as if there is no struggle or worries, Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good things to learn from the social media but at the same time one can easily lose track or focus. Well, it's my problem and i need to fix myself up and keep moving, Hard work pays and it's about my life not what is happening in other peoples lives. Thank God for my friend who said to me this morning, ''honey you have come this far, look and see how far you still have to go, do you want your effort thus far wasted''.
When i first began going after personal growth, I planned it all out myself. Deep down i knew that i had to do something to be better. Before now i pursued a growth plan that was fundamental instead of specific and that was okay for my age then but as i grew older and more experienced i started to focus my growth in a few areas. The first was communication, It was and is still one of the areas i know i need to be better in. I am someone that has a lot to say but to express myself was/is a big problem but today, i am better an i'm still working on it on daily basis. The second is going back to school to further my education and acquire knowledge by reading other  good books that would keep me informed.
Dear friends, as you plan your growth, it will benefit you dearly to be focused. Focus on growing in your areas of greatest strength which will help you become better, not on your weaknesses. And please grow in areas that will add value to you personally and professionally. 
A great modern day management father once said , '' The great mystery isn't that people do things badly but that they occasionally do a few things well''. The only thing that is universal is incompetence. Strength is always specific.
Eyes on the price, darlings....


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