Appreciate life.

I am going to be telling a story i read sometime ago. I still can't forget the story because i learnt a great lesson from it.

''A friend e-mailed to me the story of a very ''together'' and independent ninety-two year old woman who was moving into a nursing home.Since she was legally blind and her husband of seventy years had passed away, the move was her only option. She waited in the lobby of the facility for a longtime before finally being told that her room was ready. As she was led  down the hallway, her attendant tried describing the room, down the curtains hung the windows.
''I love it '' the blind lady said.
''But you haven't seen the room yet. Just wait, the attendant responded.
''That doesn't have anything to do with it,'' she replied. Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether i like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged. But how i arrange my mind.
 Appreciation isn't a matter of taste or sophistication, it is a matter of perspective. Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out'' -John wooden. The place to start is with little things. If you learn how to appreciate little things and be thankful, you'd appreciate big things when they come or happen.
Stay away from people who complain just about anything/ everything.


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