To maintain a healthy body, you should be knowledgeable about living a healthy lifestyle. Some lifestyle's are detremental to our health. They cause harm to our body systems, thus lowering our immune system, and making our body susceptible to sicknesses and diseases. How we live, what we eat, how we respond to things, the company we keep. All these have a way of improving or affecting our well being negatively. Wellness is not just the absence of sicknesses. it is also a state of physical, social and mental wellbeing. You have to be physically fit, mentally fit and socially fit to achieve wellness. 1. Physically fit: This entails doing what makes you physically healthy. What you eat and when you eat will always affect your physical wellbeing. *What you eat and when you eat. You can't eat carbohydrates all the time and expect not to gain weight. Especially when you do not excercise your body. Excess carbohydrates is usually stored as fat in the bo...